Monday, April 30, 2012
Time-lapse photography shows the new World Trade Center's rise at ground zero
One World Trade Center passes the Empire State Building to become the tallest building in New York City. AP Time Lapse photography shows the building rising from Oct. 2010 to April 2012.
Video Clip: Gov. Palin at Birmingham Extraordinary Women Conference
Sarah Palin gave a very inspiring speech at the 2012 Extraordinary Womens Conference at the BJCC in Birmingham, AL. You can tell she is an authentic Christian woman by the way she speaks God's message with authority. The women in the audience loved her, and at the end of her message, all of the worship leaders signed the back of a guitar (or mandolin) and surprised her with it. She said she would learn to play "Sweet Home Alabama" by the next time she visits us :)
Liberals abuse Twitter spam protection by targeting conservative users
There's a budding war in the Twitterverse as liberals are evidently carrying out organized attacks on conservative Twitter users by reporting their tweets as "spam," thus triggering an automated block on their accounts.
Apparently, a threshold has to be crossed as far as the number of tweets for the system to kick in, as well as the number of spam reports in order to ban the user so not all conservative Twitter activists are vulnerable. But several high profile conservatives have had their accounts blocked and trying to get them reinstated is proving to be a difficult matter.
But Chris Loesch, husband of talk radio host Dana Loesch has been banned, reinstated, and banned again several times in the last 48 hours.
While Twitter executives sleep on the job, conservatives online are battling not only Loesch's suspension, but the suspension of more than a dozen -- and possibly dozens, if not hundreds more -- innocent conservative social-media users who appear to have been maliciously targeted by Twitter abusers. The system is obviously broken and being exploited by vigilantes who oppose everything the engagement-enhancing ethos of Twitter stands for (or is supposed to stand for, anyway).
The targets are not big-time conservative celebs with large followings (which seems to be why Chris Loesch was targeted instead of his fellow conservative activist wife -- editor/CNN contributor Dana Loesch -- whose high-follower Twitter account may be more immune to flag-spam attacks).
The progressives never expect pushback. But with the back-to-back suspensions of @freemarket_us and @chrisloesch, the conservative activist community online is banding together to Flag the Flag-Spammers for Twitter to see all in one place -- no, not by abusing the flag-spam system, but by naming names and showing Twitter the extent of the problem.
Shane Wright, who himself was the victim of a temporary suspension, has compiled a list of conservatives suspended at some point on Twitter.
A tidal wave of Tweets from conservative activists are trying to keep pace with the organized attack on free speech from the left. If you've got a Twitter account, it might be a good idea to join with others and tweet like crazy - and retweeting banned users tweets -- until Twitter can figure out how to stop the abuse.
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‘Illegal Alien’ a Racial Slur ???
Friday on The O’Reilly Factor, Monica Novoa, a campaign coordinator for ‘Drop the I-Word,’ spoke out on the program’s new initiative to make the term ‘illegal alien’ morally on par with racial slurs., and her conversation with Bill O’Reilly quickly became heated.
O’Reilly argued that Novoa’s cause is misguided because it is, in fact, a federal crime to enter the U.S. illegally. “I’m not committing a hate crime by saying illegal aliens are just that.” he said.
When Novoa said that in the past laws have been changed in order to make for a more humane society, O’Reilly said, “Then work to change them. Don’t demonize people who are accurate in the description as using a slur or using a hate word because that’s not true.”
When Novoa was asked about whether she believes the U.S. should have open borders, she said, “I think that what we should be doing right now is looking at the reality and the reality is that people are here, and people are parts of families.” O’Reilly quickly interjected claiming that Novoa dodged the question and was filibustering, “two things we don’t allow on this program.” More
Lovitz : ‘He’s President, Not King!’ ~ VIDEO
Jon Lovitz is learning the hard way it's news when a comedian criticizes the president in the Age of Obama.
Most comedians would rather talk about anything other than the President these days. And when they do, it's often to defend his administration, not hold it accountable for the last three-plus years.
Lovitz's now-famous anti-Obama rant did more than just go viral. It got picked up by most major news organizations and web sites. What a sad state of comic affairs when a comedian mocking the president makes headlines.
But Lovitz isn't backing down, even though it would likely help his career to do a quick mea culpa and pretend to blindly follow along with his comic peers.

Lovitz's Twitter account is clearly feeling the heat from Obama disciples. But Lovitz isn't back down.
Most comedians would rather talk about anything other than the President these days. And when they do, it's often to defend his administration, not hold it accountable for the last three-plus years.
Lovitz's now-famous anti-Obama rant did more than just go viral. It got picked up by most major news organizations and web sites. What a sad state of comic affairs when a comedian mocking the president makes headlines.
But Lovitz isn't backing down, even though it would likely help his career to do a quick mea culpa and pretend to blindly follow along with his comic peers.

Lovitz's Twitter account is clearly feeling the heat from Obama disciples. But Lovitz isn't back down.

One World Trade Center to retake title of NYC's tallest building ~ VIDEO
NEW YORK – One World Trade Center, the giant monolith being built to replace the twin towers destroyed in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, will lay claim to the title of New York City's tallest skyscraper on Monday. Workers will erect steel columns that will make its unfinished skeleton a little over 1,250 feet high, just enough to peak over the roof of the observation deck on the Empire State Building.
The milestone is a preliminary one. Workers are still adding floors to the so-called "Freedom Tower" and it isn't expected to reach its full height for at least another year, at which point it is likely to be declared the tallest building in the U.S., and third tallest in the world.
Those bragging rights, though, will carry an asterisk.
Crowning the world's tallest buildings is a little like picking the heavyweight champion in boxing. There is often disagreement about who deserves the belt.
In this case, the issue involves the 408-foot-tall needle that will sit on the tower's roof.
Count it, and the World Trade Center is back on top. Otherwise, it will have to settle for No. 2, after the Willis Tower in Chicago.
"Height is complicated," said Nathaniel Hollister, a spokesman for The Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitats, a Chicago-based organization considered an authority on such records.
Experts and architects have long disagreed about where to stop measuring super-tall buildings outfitted with masts, spires and antennas that extend far above the roof.
Consider the case of the Empire State Building: Measured from the sidewalk to the tip of its needle-like antenna, the granddaddy of all super-tall skyscrapers actually stands 1,454 feet high, well above the mark being surpassed by One World Trade Center on Monday.
Purists, though, say antennas shouldn't count when determining building height.
An antenna, they say, is more like furniture than a piece of architecture. Like a chair sitting on a rooftop, an antenna can be attached or removed. The Empire State Building didn't even get its distinctive antenna until 1952. The record books, as the argument goes, shouldn't change every time someone installs a new satellite dish.
Excluding the antenna brings the Empire State Building's total height to 1,250 feet. That was still high enough to make the skyscraper the world's tallest from 1931 until 1972.
From that height, the Empire State seems to tower over the second tallest completed building in New York, the Bank of America Tower.
Yet, in many record books, the two skyscrapers are separated by just 50 feet.
That's because the tall, thin mast on top of the Bank of America building isn't an antenna, but a decorative spire.
Unlike antennas, record-keepers like spires. It's a tradition that harkens back to a time when the tallest buildings in many European cities were cathedrals. Groups like the Council on Tall Buildings, and Emporis, a building data provider in Germany, both count spires when measuring the total height of a building, even if that spire happens to look exactly like an antenna.
This quirk in the record books has benefited buildings like Chicago's recently opened Trump International Hotel and Tower. It is routinely listed as being between 119 feet to 139 feet taller than the Empire State Building, thanks to the antenna-like mast that sits on its roof, even though the average person, looking at the two buildings side by side, would probably judge the New York skyscraper to be taller.
The same factors apply to measuring the height of One World Trade Center.
Designs call for the tower's roof to stand at 1,368 feet -- the same height as the north tower of the original World Trade Center. The building's roof will be topped with a 408-foot, cable-stayed mast, making the total height of the structure a symbolic 1,776 feet. The U.S. Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776.
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Federal judge blocks Texas from cutting off Planned Parenthood
AUSTIN, Texas – A federal judge on Monday stopped Texas from preventing Planned Parenthood from getting state funds through the Women's Health Program.
U.S. District Judge Lee Yeakel in Austin ruled there is sufficient evidence that a law banning Planned Parenthood from the program is unconstitutional. He imposed an injunction against enforcing it until he can hear full arguments.
The law passed last year by the Republican-controlled Legislature forbids state agencies from providing funds to an organization affiliated with abortion providers. Eight Planned Parenthood clinics that do not provide abortions sued the state. The clinics say the law unconstitutionally restricts their freedom of speech and association.
"The court is particularly influenced by the potential for immediate loss of access to necessary medical services by several thousand Texas women," Yeakel wrote in his ruling. "The record before the court at this juncture reflects uncertainty as to the continued viability of the Texas Women's Health Program."
Texas officials have said that if the state is forced to include Planned Parenthood, they will likely shut down the program that serves basic health care and contraception to 130,000 poor women.
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Sunday, April 29, 2012
VIDEO: President Obama on Palin: What’s the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull? ‘A pit bull is delicious’
Obama is doubling down on his history of eating dogs. At the White House Correspondent’s Dinner Obama joked with the audience, “a pit bull is delicious.” (1:01 mark)
Friday, April 27, 2012
INDOCTRINATION 101: Chicago School Teaches Students How To Protest ~ VIDEO
Jones College Prep -- a Chicago Public Schools "selective enrollment" school -- recently held "Social Justice Week" in March, a collection of events geared towards turning students into activist. More
Portable meth lab explodes in Oklahoma man's pants. VIDEO
David Williams ran from a police officer who noticed a chemical smell as he was issuing a speeding ticket to the driver of the SUV Williams was a passenger in, KOTV reported.
The officer caught up with Williams and in the ensuing struggle, an "active meth lab" he had been hiding in his pants burst, Oklahoma Highway Patrol trooper Shiloh Hall told the station.
Police closed 221st Street in Okmulgee County, about 90 miles (150km) east of Oklahoma City, to clean up the scene.
Although meth was dripping down Williams' leg, he was uninjured. He was arrested on a complaint of manufacturing a controlled and dangerous substance.
View Original Article: Portable meth lab explodes in Oklahoma man's pants
VIDEO ~ Obama to single men: Look for superior genes
Obama Gives Mooch a "Hooah"
He rehashed his favorite “gene pool” line, which he seems to think is worth repeating over and over again.“How about the first lady, Michelle Obama? Hooah!” She is a tough act to follow.Gentlemen, for the gentlemen out there, who are not yet married, let me just explain to you, your goal is to improve your gene pool by marrying somebody who is superior to you.”
Mourdock For Indiana by Sarah Palin
I join commonsense conservatives in endorsing Richard Mourdock to be the next Senator from Indiana. Conservatives of all stripes are uniting behind Richard Mourdock. It’s not just Indiana that benefits from sending the right Senator to serve for the right reasons; the nation as a whole benefits, and that is one reason why the eyes of so many around the nation are focused on the Indiana race.
Indiana deserves a conservative in the Senate who will fight for the Hoosier State, uphold our Constitution, and not just go along to get along with the vested interests of the permanent political class in D.C.
Richard Mourdock is the conservative choice for Indiana. Senator Lugar’s 36 years of service as a Senator are appreciated, but it’s time for the torch to pass to conservative leadership in Washington that promises to rein in government spending now.
Get the facts here. Learn more about Richard Mourdock at and follow him on Facebook and Twitter.
- Sarah Palin
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Brewer 'very uplifted' by immigration law hearing ~ VIDEO
The Supreme Court signaled Wednesday that it might uphold a key element of Arizona's immigration law, as justices across the board suggested the state has a serious problem on its hands and should have some level of sovereignty to address illegal immigration.
The justices appeared ready to allow a provision requiring police officers to check the immigration status of people they think are in the U.S. illegally.
The justices strongly suggested Wednesday they are not buying the Obama administration's argument that the state exceeded its authority, with Chief Justice John Roberts at one point saying he doesn't think the federal government even wants to know how many illegal immigrants are in the country.
"You can see it's not selling very well," Justice Sonia Sotomayor told Obama administration Solicitor General Donald Verrilli.
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GOP: Obama using taxpayer money for campaign
The Republican National Committee filed a formal complaint with the Government Accountability OfficeWednesday, accusing the Obama administration of using taxpayer funds to campaign on President Obama's recent trip to three swing states, despite White House claims President Obama was giving speeches at official events.
"Throughout his administration, but particularly in recent weeks, President Obama has been passing off campaign travel as "official events," thereby allowing taxpayers, rather than his campaign, to pay for his reelection efforts," the complaint letter by RNC Chairman Reince Priebus read.
The president gave speeches on college campuses in North Carolina, Colorado and Iowa in front of large crowds of students in which he called on Congress to prevent a hike in federal student loan interest rates. The RNC noted the location of the speeches, the large boisterous crowds and some of the president's recent rhetoric in its complaint, saying they created a campaign-like atmosphere.
"The most recent example of such misuse came yesterday in North Carolina and Colorado. President Obama traveled to the two states at taxpayer expense to deliver speeches to cheering crowds of college students, events widely reported to be equivalent to campaign rallies," the letter read. "The same can be said of the president's trip to Florida two weeks ago. President Obama scheduled three fundraisers in the state and added one short "official event" on his Buffett Tax to his itinerary, once again allowing his reelection campaign to save on fuel for Air Force One."
A White House spokesman stresses the administration complies with all rules regulating presidential travel and campaigning. He also points to a planned trip later this week to meet with military members in Georgia--a consistently Republican-voting state-as proof election politics don't play into the president's official schedule.
"This week's travel has been part of the president's official responsibility to get outside of Washington, D.C., hear from students, and discuss stopping interest rates on their loans from doubling in July -- just like Friday's trip to Fort Stewart in Hinesville, Georgia, to meet with troops, veterans, and military families is likewise part of the president's official responsibilities," White House spokesman Eric Schultz said in an email to Fox News. "When there is political travel, we follow all rules and regulations that all other administrations have followed." More
Slap at Obama, Romney, or both ??? Jimmy Carter: I’d be ‘comfortable’ with Mitt Romney
Former President Jimmy Carter said he expects President Obama to win reelection, but Mitt Romney would be his top choice on the Republican side.
"I think of all the Republican candidates who are prominent, I think Romney would be the one I would rather see have a slight possibility to be president," on MSNBC's "Jansing & Co" in an interview that aired Wednesday.
When pressed on whether he would be "comfortable" with a Romney presidency, Carter responded, "I would rather have a Democrat, but I would be comfortable."
"I think Romney has shown in his past, in his previous years as a moderate, a progressive that he was fairly competent as a governor and also running the Olympics. As you know, he has a good solid family," Carter said.
Carter accused Romney of going to the "extreme right wing" to win in the GOP primary, but said he believes candidates on both sides of the aisle tend to move toward the middle during the general election.
"I think he's gone too far in the conservative positions to suit the average American, that's why I think President Obama is going to be reelected," he said. More
New web ad mocks Obama as 'celebrity president' ~ A must see video !!!
President Barack Obama's much talked about appearance on Jimmy Fallon's late night TV talk show is being used against the president by a major Republican group that says it's going up with an online ad that criticizes Obama as a "celebrity president."
American Crossroads, the independent super PAC co-founded by Karl Rove that backs GOP causes and candidates, says their spot will run online starting as early as Thursday in the three university towns the president visited during his two day, three battleground state tour Tuesday and Wednesday. Obama held events at the University of North Carolina, the University of Colorado and the University of Iowa as part of his push for the extension of a measure that would hold down federal student loan rates, an important issue for many younger voters. MORE
"Sarah Palin Was a Prophet About Obama's Education Takeover" ~Maggie Gallagher
In a piece at Townhall, Maggie Gallagher discusses Sarah Palin’s prescience in instinctively opposing Obama’s federal education mandates as an encroachment on state sovereignty before it was fashionable to do so:
Sarah Palin was the first to recognize the problem: By participating in President Obama’s signature education initiative, the Common Core Standards, Alaska would lose control over its own curriculum.
On May 31, 2009, then-Gov. Palin announced Alaska would adopt a “watch and wait” attitude:
“If this initiative produces useful results, Alaska will remain free to incorporate them,” Gov. Palin said, adding that “high expectations are not always created by new, mandated federal standards written on paper. They are created in the home, the community and the classroom.”
Texas Gov. Rick Perry, to his credit, was the next to recognize a federal boondoggle when he saw one: “I will not commit Texas taxpayers to unfunded federal obligations or to the adoption of unproven, cost-prohibitive national standards and tests,” Gov. Perry wrote in a Jan. 13, 2010, letter to U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan.
In the ensuing two years, it’s become clear that Perry and Palin — two core conservative figures whose intelligence is routinely mocked by liberal “sophisticates” — were brilliantly prescient, indeed prophetic.
Common Core Standards turn out to be like Obamacare — you don’t really know what’s in it until after you pass it and are mired in its tentacles.
Today, even more states are waking up to discover that they have lost control of both curriculum and costs for a program that is untested and unlikely to improve student performance. A February study by the Pioneer Institute conservatively estimates that Obama’s Common Core Standards will costs the states at least $16 billion — money that could be used to promote education in other ways (
You can read Gallagher entire piece here.
Clinton Eugene Curtis, a computer programmer from Florida, testified before a congressional panel that there are computer programs that can be used to secretly fix elections. He explains how he created a prototype for Florida Congressman Tom Feeny that would flip the vote 51%-49% in favor of a specified candidate. More
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Obama's Fallon Appearance Violated Campaign Law
Last night, President Obama appeared on Jimmy Fallon’s unwatchable show to “slow-jam the news.” By this, Fallon meant that Obama would read a campaign speech about student loans, Fallon would utter a few lines to back him up every so often, and his lead band singer would warble in support of Obama’s propaganda.
Only one problem, aside from the fact that this was possibly the worst “comedy” segment in the history of mankind: it violated campaign finance law.
The equal time rule states that if a licensee permits a person “who is a legally qualified candidate for any public office to use a broadcasting station, he shall afford equal opportunities to all other such candidates for that office in the use of such broadcasting station.”
There are exceptions to the rule: appearances on (1) a bona fide newscast, (2) a bona fide news interview, (3) a bona fide news documentary, or (4) on-the-spot coverage of bona fide news events.
Only the second provision could be construed as saving NBC from giving Mitt Romney equal time. But this was not a bona fide news interview. In fact, it wasn’t an interview at all – no questions were asked, no answers were given. It was literally Obama reading a campaign speech over a guitar, a horn, a keyboard, and some drums. More
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Forget Pink Slime >>> Mad Cow Disease Case Confirmed By USDA

The U.S. Department of Agriculture today confirmed a case of mad cow disease found in a dairy cow in central California.
In a press briefing Tuesday afternoon, John Clifford, the USDA’s chief veterinary officer, said the cow’s meat did not enter the food supply and the carcass will be destroyed. The animal was found at a rendering facility.
“There is really no concern for alarm here with regards to this animal,” Clifford said. “Both human health and animal health are protected with regards to this issue.”
According to a statement from USDA, milk does not transmit mad cow disease.
This is the fourth case of mad cow disease in the U.S. cattle supply since December 2003. The most recent case occurred in 2006, when officials discovered an infected cow on an Alabama farm.
The case was discovered as part of the USDA’s regular surveillance program of U.S. cattle. No other cases have been reported yet, and Dr. William Schaffner, chair of preventive medicine at Vanderbilt University, said it’s unlikely that more cows will be infected.
“Mad cow occurs in animals as it does in humans — rarely and sporadically. At this point, I would not expect there to be another cow to be found,” he said. More
"Baby Has A Gun ???" Mom: TSA Treated My 4-year-old Like a Terrorist Following Hug From Grandma
Of all the many complaints about airport security and the TSA, one of the most common is that they make little distinction between plausible security threats and passengers unlikely to be doing anything wrong.
And a recent incident in Wichita, Kansas has reinforced that argument, as a four-year-old girl was apparently subjected to a humiliating ordeal after she hugged her grandmother while she was waiting in line.
The girl was accused of having a gun and declared a 'high security threat', while agents threatened to shut down the whole airport if she could not be calmed down.
When asked about the overbearing treatment the girl received, a TSA spokesman did not apologise and insisted that correct procedures had been followed.
Terror threat? Four-year-old Isabella was subjected to a full body pat-down and accused of carrying a gun in an airport
Four-year-old Isabella's horrific experience in Wichita earlier this month was recounted on Facebook by her furious mother Michelle Brademeyer.
The family was in Kansas for a wedding, and was travelling home to Montana with Ms Brademeyer's mother.
Ms Brademeyer and her two children had passed through security when the grandmother was detained after triggering an alarm on the scanners.
Isabella then, according to her mother, 'excitedly ran over to give her a hug, as children often do. They made very brief contact, no longer than a few seconds.'
The young girl was immediately detained by security agents, who apparently shouted at her that she would have to be frisked too, and refused to let her mother explain what has happening.
Ms Brademeyer wrote: 'It was implied, several times, that my mother, in their brief two-second embrace, had passed a handgun to my daughter.'

Nightmare: The TSA has been criticised for being over-zealous (file photo)
In her terror, Isabella tried to run away rather than face a full body pat-down, which unsurprisingly enraged the TSA officers further.
One officer even told the girl's mother that the airport would have to be shut down and every flight cancelled if the four-year-old did not co-operate.
They also apparently described the little girl as a 'high security threat'.
As Isabella was taken into a side room for a pat-down, accompanied by her mother, she could not stop crying and refused to let the agents touch her.
An officer repeatedly said she had 'seen a gun in a teddy bear' in the past, in an apparent attempt to justify the situation.
Ms Brademeyer continued: 'The TSO loomed over my daughter, with an angry grimace on her face, and ordered her to stop crying.
'When my scared child could not do so, two TSOs called for backup saying, "The suspect is not cooperating." The suspect, of course, being a frightened child. They treated my daughter no better than if she had been a terrorist.'

Airport: Isabella's family was flying out of Wichita at the time of the incident
Isabella continued to cry, and officers said the family would have to leave the airport as the TSA was unable to frisk the four-year-old.
When a manager was called, he decided that the distraught Isabella could be checked alongside her mother, and let the family pass through security at last.
But their nightmare was not yet over, as on a connecting flight in Denver, an airport employee demanded to know which of the family was Isabella - and 'looked really confused' when the girl was pointed out to her.
Ms Brademeyer concluded her Facebook post by drawing attention to TSA rules against separating children from their parents, and added: 'I feel compelled to share this story in the hope that no other child will have to share in this experience.'
When The Consumerist approached the TSA for comment on the bizarre incident, a spokesman said: 'TSA has reviewed the incident and determined that our officers followed proper current screening procedures in conducting a modified pat-down on the child.'
Last month the agency came in for criticism when a video of a three-year-old boy in wheelchair having a full pat-down and being swabbed for explosives circulated on the internet.
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The Consumerist: 4-Year-Old Gets TSA Pat-Down Following Hug From Grandma
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Sarah Palin Jokes About Having Secret Service Shoot Fish And Game Commissioner
Stop the ACLU
And the 90% liberal media went ballistic, as did the liberal blogs……oh, wait, sorry, I meant crazy Joe Biden said it, and the only other news outlet to cover it other than conservative leaning CNS News is CNN, which didn’t seem to find anything wrong with what Joe said
CNN) After his tour via airboat, the vice president took to a podium before a small audience, and used a joke to explain that it was his first time touring the Everglades.
“I know Ronnie Bergeron is here,” Biden said, referring to well known Everglades advocate and Florida businessman Ron Bergeron. “He tried to get me out there about 10 years ago. But he didn’t want me to go see it. He wanted me to wrestle alligators. Y’all think I’m kidding. I’m not kidding. He’s one crazy son of a gun.”
As the audience laughed, Biden continued his joke.
“You see this man right here? My Secret Service guy?” the vice president asked, referring to an agent just off stage.
“He said that if I go, he’ll shoot you, Ronnie. I’m only kidding. That’s not true. He didn’t say he’d shoot Ronnie. He said he’d shoot the alligator if I went.”
Ha ha ha, laugh riot. Now, substitute Palin, Romney, or any other Republican name in there, and consider the massive liberal freakout.
See More
Feds Make First Arrest in BP Oil Spill
Department of Justice
Office of Public Affairs
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASETuesday, April 24, 2012
Former BP Engineer Arrested for Obstruction of Justice in Connection with the Deepwater Horizon Criminal Investigation
First Criminal Charges to Result from the Deepwater Horizon Task Force Investigation
WASHINGTON – Kurt Mix, a former engineer for BP plc, was arrested today on charges of intentionally destroying evidence requested by federal criminal authorities investigating the April 20, 2010, Deepwater Horizon disaster, announced Attorney General Eric Holder, Assistant Attorney General Lanny A. Breuer of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division, U.S. Attorney Jim Letten of the Eastern District of Louisiana and Kevin Perkins, Acting Executive Assistant Director for the FBI’s Criminal Cyber Response and Services Branch.
Mix, 50, of Katy, Texas, was charged with two counts of obstruction of justice in a criminal complaint filed in the Eastern District of Louisiana and unsealed today.
“The department has filed initial charges in its investigation into the Deepwater Horizon disaster against an individual for allegedly deleting records relating to the amount of oil flowing from the Macondo well after the explosion that led to the devastating tragedy in the Gulf of Mexico,” said Attorney General Holder. “The Deepwater Horizon Task Force is continuing its investigation into the explosion and will hold accountable those who violated the law in connection with the largest environmental disaster in U.S. history.”
According to the affidavit in support of a criminal complaint and arrest warrant, on April 20, 2010, the Deepwater Horizon rig experienced an uncontrolled blowout and related explosions while finishing the Macondo well. The catastrophe killed 11 men on board and resulted in the largest environmental disaster in U.S. history.
According to court documents, Mix was a drilling and completions project engineer for BP. Following the blowout, Mix worked on internal BP efforts to estimate the amount of oil leaking from the well and was involved in various efforts to stop the leak. Those efforts included, among others, Top Kill, the failed BP effort to pump heavy mud into the blown out wellhead to try to stop the oil flow. BP sent numerous notices to Mix requiring him to retain all information concerning Macondo, including his text messages.
On or about Oct. 4, 2010, after Mix learned that his electronic files were to be collected by a vendor working for BP’s lawyers, Mix allegedly deleted on his iPhone a text string containing more than 200 text messages with a BP supervisor. The deleted texts, some of which were recovered forensically, included sensitive internal BP information collected in real-time as the Top Kill operation was occurring, which indicated that Top Kill was failing. Court documents allege that, among other things, Mix deleted a text he had sent on the evening of May 26, 2010, at the end of the first day of Top Kill. In the text, Mix stated, among other things, “Too much flowrate – over 15,000.” Before Top Kill commenced, Mix and other engineers had concluded internally that Top Kill was unlikely to succeed if the flow rate was greater than 15,000 barrels of oil per day (BOPD). At the time, BP’s public estimate of the flow rate was 5,000 BOPD – three times lower than the minimum flow rate indicated in Mix’s text.
In addition, on or about Aug. 19, 2011, after learning that his iPhone was about to be imaged by a vendor working for BP’s outside counsel, Mix allegedly deleted a text string containing more than 100 text messages with a BP contractor with whom Mix had worked on various issues concerning how much oil was flowing from the Macondo well after the blowout. By the time Mix deleted those texts, he had received numerous legal hold notices requiring him to preserve such data and had been communicating with a criminal defense lawyer in connection with the pending grand jury investigation of the Deepwater Horizon disaster.
A complaint is merely a charge and a defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
If convicted, Mix faces a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000 as to each count.
The Deepwater Horizon Task Force, based in New Orleans, is supervised by Assistant Attorney General Breuer and led by Deputy Assistant Attorney General John D. Buretta, who serves as the Director of the task force. The task force includes prosecutors from the Criminal Division and the Environment and Natural Resources Division of the Department of Justice, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of Louisiana and other U.S. Attorney’s Offices, and investigating agents from the FBI, Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Interior, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and other federal law enforcement agencies.
The task force’s investigation of this and other matters concerning the Deepwater Horizon disaster is ongoing.
The case is being prosecuted by task force Deputy Directors Derek Cohen and Avi Gesser of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division, and task force prosecutors Assistant U.S. Attorney Richard Pickens II of the Eastern District of Louisiana and Assistant U.S. Attorney Scott Cullen of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.
Monday, April 23, 2012
The Best “DOGEATER-IN-CHIEF” Pictures !!!
"So I ate the dog !!!" LMAO !!! President “Dogeater-in-Chief” Obama: "Dog Eater," the Music Video.
Feds can't deport illegal immigrant arrested 35 times in Alabama ~ VIDEO
One Alabama police department is fed up with the feds.
Officers in Hueytown arrested an illegal immigrant on drug charges recently. When they ran his name through the system, they learned he had previously been arrested 34 times in Alabama.
Despite his record, the government refuses to deport him. Federal agents said Sofyan Eldani is from Palestine, a country the United States doesn't recognize.
When Hueytown Police Chief Chuck Hagler contacted ICE agents about the recent arrest, he wasn't expecting the response he got. Sofyan Eldani was not only in this country illegally, but had a criminal history that goes back 12 years.
ICE wouldn't do anything according to Chief Hagler.
"They sent us a piece of paper called a detainer... basically telling him we are going to deport you," Hagler said. According to the police chief, ICE agents told him Eldani will "'probably just laugh at you when you give it to him, because he knows we're not going to come get him.'"
In Jefferson and Shelby counties, Eldani has been arrested 35 times for different crimes, ranging from bad checks to assault. More
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