My Ping in My Zimbio

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

First, Bachmann was Reagan, then Palin, then Thatcher. Now ? Tim Tebow !!!

A political action committee supporting Michele Bachmann debuted an ad this week that compares the Minnesota congressman to Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow.

The ad notes that “the establishment sports guys love to hate Tim Tebow: he’s not smart enough, his mechanics are no good, he’s not accurate enough – still, he just keeps winning.” The ad goes on to argue that Tebow makes sports fans “feel guilty” because he doesn’t “drink, cuss, smoke, or kick opponents when they’re down” and because he is a born-again Christian. …

“The same could be said of Michele Bachmann: no baggage, Christian, and like Tebow, she keeps fighting and she just keeps winning votes,” the announcer says. Read More