Saturday, March 31, 2012
Obama endorses Planned Parenthood: ‘you’ll never stop fighting for choice and neither will I’
WASHINGTON, March 29, 2012 ( - In an unusually candid video addressed to Planned Parenthood, President Obama assured the billion-dollar abortion organization of his continued support and touted his record blocking efforts to defund the group by pro-life “professional politicians.”
“For you and for most Americans, protecting women’s health is a mission that stands above politics,” said the president in a video posted to Youtube by the Planned Parenthood Action Fund. “Yet in the past year you’ve had politicians who want to deny millions of women the care they rely on, and inject themselves into decisions that are best made between a woman and her doctor.”
The affirmation comes amidst an onslaught of bad publicity for the abortion giant in recent months: The group is now under federal investigation after reports alleged that it has engaged in systematic Medicaid fraud, abused other federal funds, and routinely evaded state abortion laws. Read More
WI Radio Hosts' Sexist Attacks On Lt. Gov Rebecca Kleefisch
This is what we see time and again at the hands of the same Left that manufactured a month's long non-troversy over a word Rush Limbaugh spoke. While, on one hand, the left and their media allies feign outrage over Limbaugh, on the other hand, they either willfully ignore or launch vile, sexist attacks against conservative women that go well beyond anything that can in any way be called satire or humor. Read More
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Arrested for reading the Bible ??? Folks, this is what the United States is coming to...
The video begins with Mark Mackey opening his Bible.
“Good morning, everyone,” he says to a group of 15 onlookers waiting outside the Hemet California Division of Motor Vehicles. “I would like to read a little bit of the word of God this morning.”
The video, shot in February of last year, ends with Mackey’s arrest.
“You can preach on your own property,” an officer from the California Highway Patrol tells Mackey as he leads him away in handcuffs. “Folks, this is what the United States is coming to,” Mackey says to the crowd, who were standing outside waiting for the DMV to open. “You can talk about anything you want, but you can’t talk about the Bible.”
Mackey is a reverend with Calvary Chapel Hemet, a conservative Christian church that practices an “evangelical ministry,” requiring public testimonials and Scripture readings.
Church officials believe Mackey was arrested because of “Christian bigotry.”
The officer who made the arrest disagrees, claiming he arrested Mackey for preaching to a public audience who had no choice but to listen.
“You’re not allowed to preach here," he told Mackey, “because this is a captive audience.”
Mackey’s lawyer calls that “ridiculous.”
“That doesn’t make sense in America,” says Robert Tyler of Advocates for Faith and Freedom, a non-profit law firm which defends Christian Liberties. “If the doctrine of the captive audience is going to apply broad brush, no one is going to be allowed to [preach in] a public park…that’s not America.”
Tyler also points out Mackey was cited for “impeding an open business,” but he points out the DMV wasn’t even open at the time.
“The DMV was closed,” he said. “They had no business arresting him.”
Not so, observes constitutional attorney Dan Conaway, saying those waiting for the DMV doors to open have no choice but to listen to Mackey.
“He's creating an intimidating situation for people who simply want to get their drivers licenses renewed,” says Conaway, who says it’s OK to preach in public, but not when your listeners can’t leave.
“He does not have the right to intimidate others and force them to listen and impede their ability to do normal business activities such as going to the DMV.”
Tyler points out that the “captive audience” statute requires more than simple intimidation.
“Mackey had to be threatening them. Is reading the Bible threatening?”
Tyler says that, in the end, Mackey has simply been charged with trespassing.
How can that be trespassing?” Tyler asks. “This is a public place. He was not blocking or impeding anyone. He was standing over 50 feet from the entrance. This is crazy.”
Mackey sees it in biblical terms.
“The devil is holding everyone captive to do his will," he said as he was led away. “Repent, and trust in Jesus Christ. Judgment Day is coming, folks.”
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As Goes Wisconsin, so Goes America; Support Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch by Sarah Palin
I look at the far Left’s assault on Wisconsin and I say, “Are you kidding?” As an outsider (albeit an admitted Green Bay fan with family roots in Chippewa Falls), I join millions of Americans watching the political shenanigans in Wisconsin. I am torn between just chuckling at these radical liberal yahoos trying to oust an intelligent administration that is fulfilling its promises, or raising a fist in disgust at people sitting on their thumbs while Governor Walker and Lt. Governor Kleefisch get thrown to the wolves.
Wisconsin, you deserve better than this!
You’re the “Forward” state – part of the breadbasket that feeds America. Deep woods, pristine waters, esteemed academic institutions, and shining cities reside alongside the dairy farms dotting your picturesque landscape carved out by generations of hard working Americans. In their honor, and to assist the other 49 states, please continue to go forward; don’t let 80 million political dollars – from outside special interests – convince you to go backward towards debt, high taxes, unemployment, and shuttered industry.
You don’t have to let those millions of outside dollars flooding your state destroy the records and reputations of your Governor and Lt. Governor, nor should the political dollars dictate your state’s destiny. You have a choice: Retreat, or fight for the positive reform you elected in 2010.
Governor Walker has left the far Left unhinged, so he’s had to amass a war chest to fend off the lies and dirty dealings in the capitol; and, thankfully, it’s predicted he’ll survive his recall.
But the recall fight that is just as important is Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch’s. Please click this link to help her.
She’s being thrown beyond the wolf pack – she’s also under the GOP establishment’s bus because this Tea Party “Mama Grizzly” beat the establishment candidate when she got elected. (And dang, it’s uncomfortable under that chassis!) Rebecca must be thinking, “With friends like these, who needs enemies?” Worse than seeing radical Leftists attack and make things up about a Conservative female opponent is when supporters on the Right sit on their thumbs and act as if there’s nothing they can do to help. Come on! When all else fails you can at least tell the truth! Tell other voters why you supported Rebecca in the first place. Explain her campaign promises and how she has stuck to them and – surprising in today’s political world – is actually fulfilling them. She promised to help balance the budget, cut taxes, build a sound fiscal environment, and provide job opportunities for all Wisconsin residents – not only our union brothers and sisters. She’s setting an example for every other state in the union because responsible state and local governments will be the entities that defend our Republic at a time when there is less and less reason to believe our big centralized federal government will address its self-perpetuated economic problems.
The far Left has targeted Lt. Governor Kleefisch in particular because they know she’s been busy working and hasn’t raised anywhere near the money Governor Walker has to weather his recall. And get this: they are hoping to keep her off the same ballot as Governor Walker, and instead they would love to put her on a ballot during a Democratic primary in order to give her the worst voter turn out possible. It’s vicious. She’s in the fight of her political life for doing nothing more than what she and Governor Walker were elected to do. If Wisconsin sees either of these two go down in defeat, it will have a chilling effect on any public servant having the guts to do what’s right. Read More
Wisconsin, you deserve better than this!
You’re the “Forward” state – part of the breadbasket that feeds America. Deep woods, pristine waters, esteemed academic institutions, and shining cities reside alongside the dairy farms dotting your picturesque landscape carved out by generations of hard working Americans. In their honor, and to assist the other 49 states, please continue to go forward; don’t let 80 million political dollars – from outside special interests – convince you to go backward towards debt, high taxes, unemployment, and shuttered industry.
You don’t have to let those millions of outside dollars flooding your state destroy the records and reputations of your Governor and Lt. Governor, nor should the political dollars dictate your state’s destiny. You have a choice: Retreat, or fight for the positive reform you elected in 2010.
Governor Walker has left the far Left unhinged, so he’s had to amass a war chest to fend off the lies and dirty dealings in the capitol; and, thankfully, it’s predicted he’ll survive his recall.
But the recall fight that is just as important is Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch’s. Please click this link to help her.
She’s being thrown beyond the wolf pack – she’s also under the GOP establishment’s bus because this Tea Party “Mama Grizzly” beat the establishment candidate when she got elected. (And dang, it’s uncomfortable under that chassis!) Rebecca must be thinking, “With friends like these, who needs enemies?” Worse than seeing radical Leftists attack and make things up about a Conservative female opponent is when supporters on the Right sit on their thumbs and act as if there’s nothing they can do to help. Come on! When all else fails you can at least tell the truth! Tell other voters why you supported Rebecca in the first place. Explain her campaign promises and how she has stuck to them and – surprising in today’s political world – is actually fulfilling them. She promised to help balance the budget, cut taxes, build a sound fiscal environment, and provide job opportunities for all Wisconsin residents – not only our union brothers and sisters. She’s setting an example for every other state in the union because responsible state and local governments will be the entities that defend our Republic at a time when there is less and less reason to believe our big centralized federal government will address its self-perpetuated economic problems.
The far Left has targeted Lt. Governor Kleefisch in particular because they know she’s been busy working and hasn’t raised anywhere near the money Governor Walker has to weather his recall. And get this: they are hoping to keep her off the same ballot as Governor Walker, and instead they would love to put her on a ballot during a Democratic primary in order to give her the worst voter turn out possible. It’s vicious. She’s in the fight of her political life for doing nothing more than what she and Governor Walker were elected to do. If Wisconsin sees either of these two go down in defeat, it will have a chilling effect on any public servant having the guts to do what’s right. Read More
Monday, March 26, 2012
VIDEO ~ Santorum: 'Of course' I'd consider being Romney's running mate !!!
For all the scalding comments Rick Santorum has made about Mitt Romney over the past week, he'd still consider joining the Republican presidential front-runner's ticket.
The trailing GOP candidate talked about that possibility in an interview Monday with the Christian Broadcasting Network.
"Of course," Santorum said, when asking whether he'd consider being Romney's running mate.
"This is the most important race in our country's history. I'm going to do everything I can," he said. "We know their future and all of our children's future is at stake in this election, and I don't want to be the guy who has to sit with my granddaughter 20 years from now and tell stories about an America where people once were free. I don't want to have that conversation."
Asked if he's keeping his options open, Santorum responded: "I'll do whatever is necessary to help our country."
Santorum made the comment a day after he declared in Wisconsin that Romney is "the worst Republican in the country to put up against Barack Obama."
Last week, Santorum suggested Americans might as well vote for Obama if Romney wins the nomination -- a remark he later walked back.
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Obama's Empty Recycled Rhetoric Exposed, Again ~Sarah Palin
Barack Obama and the US has a lot of close and strong allies in the world. And all small countries punches above their weight according to the president. From the show Detektor, Danish Broadcasting Corporation DR. Host is Thomas Buch-Andersen.
President Obama Asks Medvedev for ‘Space’ on Missile Defense — ‘After My Election I Have More Flexibility’
Barracuda Brigade respectfully suggests that every American ask themselves the following questions:
1. Does this policy of "My Re-Election First" infest all other policy decisions of our day including but not limited to: Iran, Israel, North Korea, Pipelines, Energy development and all decisions regarding Iraq & Afghanistan ?
2. Exactly what does the term "Flexibility" in regards to American interest mean ?
3. Any positions taken by Obama from this point forward, will you be sure they are authentic or part of his "Flexibility Policy ???"
4. Can anyone find in the Constitution a provision stating, "My Re-Election superceeds the respsibilties and duties of the Office of President of the United States," as laid out by the Constitution ???

SEOUL, South Korea — At the tail end of his 90 minute meeting with Russian President Dmitri Medvedev Monday, President Obama said that he would have “more flexibility” to deal with controversial issues such as missile defense, but incoming Russian President Vladimir Putin needs to give him “space.”
The exchange was picked up by microphones as reporters were let into the room for remarks by the two leaders.
The exchange:
President Obama: On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space.
President Medvedev: Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you…
President Obama: This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.
President Medvedev: I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir. Read More
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Breaking News: Cheney is recovering after undergoing heart transplant
Former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney is recovering in a Virginia hospital after undergoing a heart transplant on Saturday, a spokeswoman for Cheney said in an email.
Cheney, 71, who served as vice president in the George W. Bush administration, has had a long history of heart trouble.
Rick Perry gets OK from FEC to create super PAC
Texas Gov. Rick Perry has been given the go-ahead to create a new political action committee or super PAC with the leftover funds from his failed presidential campaign.
The Federal Election Commission approved Perry's request today. Perry also won permission to place the unused presidential money in his gubernatorial campaign account, if he so chooses.
As of Feb. 29, Perry had about $675,000 left in his presidential account out of $19.9 million raised.
It is not uncommon for candidates for federal office to form new PACs with unused campaign money or to donate that cash to other candidates. Read More
Krauthammer Etch-a-Sketch comment huge blow to Romney campaign
Krauthammer says that the Etch-a-Sketch comment has caused huge damage to the Romney campaign because it plays right into what many on the right and the left believe about him, that he has no core and can wake up in the morning and remake himself. And to have the perfect analogy that bolsters this narrative used by his own Director of Communications, well it's not good.
New Black Panthers offer $10,000 bounty for capture of George Zimmerman
Without a government-issued warrant, the organization opens itself up to civil or criminal liability, a lawyer said.
SANFORD — Members of the New Black Panther Party are offering a $10,000 reward for the "capture" of George Zimmerman, leader Mikhail Muhammad announced during a protest in Sanford today.
When asked whether he was inciting violence, Muhammad replied defiantly saying: "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth."
The bounty announcement came moments after members of the group called for the mobilization of 10,000 black men to capture George Zimmerman, the Neighborhood Watch volunteer who shot Trayvon Martin last month.
Muhammad said members of his group would search for Zimmerman themselves in Maitland and Jacksonville -- where the 28-year old worked before the shooting, employees there told the Orlando Sentinel. But he declined to say when they will begin their hunt.
Muhammad said the group's national chairman, Dr. Malik Zulu Shabaz of Washington, D.C. is receiving donations from black entertainers and athletes. They hope to collect $1 million by next week, Muhammad said.
The party said they would not release the names of donors nor would they provide documentation to support the existence of donations. Read More
Newt Gingrich: Romney's primary wins come at a heavy price !!!
GOP presidential candidate Newt Gingrich says he is "staying in the race." CNN's Piers Morgan has more.
ICE released an illegal immigrant and alleged child rapist !!!
DAILYCALLER - U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) released an illegal immigrant and alleged child rapist — who is accused of incest — because he has a child who is a U.S. citizen and has no prior criminal convictions or immigration violations.
After being released, the suspect, Amado Espinoza-Ramirez, escaped his ankle bracelet. He skipped out on his next immigration court hearing and is now a fugitive from justice, free in the United States.
ICE’s explanation for Espinoza-Ramirez’s release is part of a press release by Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee Rep. Lamar Smith of Texas. The Judiciary Committee has oversight over immigration policy.
Smith was moved to act following a report from The Daily Caller on Espinoza-Ramirez, who was picked up in Chicago and ultimately charged with 42 counts of predatory sexual acts. On Sept. 2, ICE took custody of Espinoza-Ramirez, releasing him with an ankle bracelet monitor later that same day.
The suspect failed to show up for his scheduled hearing on Nov. 18. ICE would provide no information on how he might have maneuvered out of the bracelet.
ICE issued a statement to Smith that was identical to one quoted in TheDC report, except for one additional sentence: “The decision to release Mr. Espinoza-Ramirez from ICE custody was made based on the fact that he had no prior criminal convictions, no prior immigration violations, and is the parent of a U.S. citizen child.”
As a result of that added information, Smith issued this statement: “It’s insulting to Americans that ICE deliberately released a criminal immigrant suspected of multiple counts of child rape back onto our streets. This reckless decision is ultimately a failure of the Obama administration’s lax immigration policies. And it shows that this administration is willing to put illegal and criminal immigrants ahead of the safety of our children.”
“Obama administration officials have made clear that it is not their priority to deport and detain all illegal and criminal immigrants. The administration has issued new deportation guidelines that could allow potentially millions of illegal immigrants to remain in the U.S. without a vote of Congress. And the president’s budget slashes funding for detention space and instead funds programs that release illegal and criminal immigrants into our communities.”
Smith’s office stated that the case of Amado Espinoza-Ramirez is an extreme example of a larger problem. Back in November, the House Judiciary Committee issued a subpoena for the records of every suspect that was brought to the attention of ICE, but ICE decided not to act on the information.
The House Judiciary Committee wanted to use the data to cross-reference against criminal records to determine how many people who wound up in ICE custody were ultimately released and went on to commit further crimes.
The House Judiciary Committee would specifically like to investigate the effectiveness of a June 2011 memo from ICE Director John Morton, which was supposed to guide ICE agents in identifying dangerous suspects.
Initially, critics of the Obama administration seized on the fact that Morton directed ICE agents not to pursue suspects whose only violation was of immigration law. The memo has since come under fire because its implementation has led to numerous dangerous criminals being released. Amado Espinoza-Ramirez is the latest example to gain media attention.
U.S. Drivers Head to Mexico For Cheaper Gas, Despite Violent Drug Cartels
As gas prices skyrocket, drivers are looking south of the border for some alternatives to ease the pain at the pump.
But there's growing concern that bargain-seekers could be putting their lives at risk.
The national average for a gallon of gas is hovering around $3.80 right now -- $4.35 in California, according to AAA, and some analysts think it'll keep climbing as we head into summer.
So it's no wonder in cities along the border -- people are driving into Mexico to fill up their tanks -- where the price for a gallon of gas is around a $1.50 less.
"I do work with a lot of people who do go across the border for gas and other stuff, but they're risking their lives. There's no way I would do it," said Elizabeth Perdoza, a driver from El Paso.
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Texas is gonna look like Texas again this spring !!!
Bluebonnet season is underway in TX.
Bluebonnets are on the rebound in Texas Hill Country after last year's drought.
Mexican Smuggler Uses Craigslist to Recruit Drivers
McALLEN, Texas – U.S. authorities arrested a Mexican man for allegedly using Craigslist to recruit drivers who transported undocumented immigrants into Texas, prosecutors said.
Border Patrol agents arrested Jose Gustavo DÃaz Velásquez on March 14 in the Texas city of Rio Grande. A judge in McAllen on Wednesday ordered him to remain in custody without bail on charges of smuggling immigrants.
Researchers believe that DÃaz Velázquez lived illegally in the United States, but at the moment there was not enough information available to determine where in Mexico he came from.
The investigation into the Craigslist smuggler began in August when federal agents identified at least 10 notices online allegedly connected to the smuggling ring.
The agents tracked the ads on Craigslist to an apartment in McAllen linked to the suspect's wife.
Also in Mexico, the army detained the police chief of a town in western part of the country who had pamphlets and banners about the cult-like Knights Templar drug cartel, as well as cocaine and hand grenades in his patrol car.
The Defense Department says in a statement released Thursday that Raymundo Monroy was detained Monday in the town of Huetamo in Michoacán state, where he is police chief. Soldiers also found cocaine, two automatic rifles, and two hand grenades.
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Friday, March 23, 2012
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Obama's $10,000 nail polish buy
The Obama campaign's latest report for one of its joint DNC accounts shows that Chicago spent about $10,000 in February alone on nail polish designed by Richard Blanch Of Le Métier De Beauté. The campaign is, in turn, selling the nail polish in a three bottle set along with a collectable bag to supporters for $40 dollars.
The nail polish swag first debuted as part of a fashion-focused "Runway to Win" event in New York City in February.
Read More
VIDEO ~ Obama sends holiday greetings to the Iranian people. Seeks a future of deeper connections between our peoples !!!
“I want the Iranian people to know that America seeks a dialogue to hear your views and understand your aspirations”
President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama send greetings to the Iranian people celebrating Nowruz. In his video message, the President tells the Iranian people that the United States stands with them in the pursuit of their universal rights and seeks a future of deeper connections between our peoples.
Video: White House Press Bursts Out Laughing When Carney Asked About Biden Calling Bin Laden Raid Most “Audacious” Plan In 500 Years…
Carney in typical Baghdad Bob-like fashion is able to defend the comment as legitimate.
Gingrich blasts De Niro for first lady comments !!!
(CNN) – President Barack Obama's reelection organization said Tuesday it was "inappropriate" for Robert De Niro to joke at a campaign fundraiser in New York Monday that America wasn't "ready for a white first lady."
"We believe the joke was inappropriate," Olivia Alair, Campaign Press Secretary to the First Lady, said in a statement.
Calling himself a hidden political prisoner, a former business partner of Spider-Man creator Stan Lee who sued Bill Clinton for fraud and accused Hillary Clinton of hiding nearly $2 million in Senate campaign donations claims Attorney General Eric Holder and his Justice Department are obstructing justice by reneging on a sentencing agreement that would have released him from federal prison nearly two years ago.
“Hillary is carrying out her promise to finally destroy my family to punish me for exposing the corruption that elected her to the Senate,” Peter F. Paul contended to WND in an email from the La Tuna federal facility in Anthony, Texas, near El Paso.
Read More
Calling himself a hidden political prisoner, a former business partner of Spider-Man creator Stan Lee who sued Bill Clinton for fraud and accused Hillary Clinton of hiding nearly $2 million in Senate campaign donations claims Attorney General Eric Holder and his Justice Department are obstructing justice by reneging on a sentencing agreement that would have released him from federal prison nearly two years ago.
“Hillary is carrying out her promise to finally destroy my family to punish me for exposing the corruption that elected her to the Senate,” Peter F. Paul contended to WND in an email from the La Tuna federal facility in Anthony, Texas, near El Paso.
Read More
Breaking: 7.6 earthquake hits near Acapulco, Mexico
A strong, long magnitude-6.59 earthquake with an epicenter in Guerrero state shook central southern Mexico on Tuesday, swaying buildings in Mexico City and sending frightened workers and residents into the streets.
Mexico's National Seismological Survey said the temblor had an epicenter southwest of Ometepec.
It was six miles (10 kilometers) underground.
Earthquake Details
This event has been reviewed by a seismologist.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012 at 18:02:48 UTC
Tuesday, March 20, 2012 at 12:02:48 PM at epicenter
16.662°N, 98.188°W
17.5 km (10.9 miles)
25 km (15 miles) E (95°) from Ometepec, Guerrero, Mexico
42 km (26 miles) NNW (335°) from Pinotepa Nacional, Oaxaca, Mexico
87 km (54 miles) SW (219°) from Tlaxiaco, Oaxaca, Mexico
162 km (101 miles) WSW (255°) from Oaxaca, Oaxaca, Mexico
186 km (115 miles) E (96°) from Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico
Location Uncertainty
horizontal +/- 15.8 km (9.8 miles); depth +/- 6.5 km (4.0 miles)
NST=438, Nph=440, Dmin=312.8 km, Rmss=0.88 sec, Gp= 79°,
M-type=regional moment magnitude (Mw), Version=9
Magnitude: USGS NEIC (WDCS-D)
Location: USGS NEIC (WDCS-D)
Event ID
Obama Admin OKs Using Aborted Babies’ Brains in Lab Tests
The Obama administration is getting grief from a pro-life group for approving an experiment using the remains of the bodies of unborn children victimized in abortion for research continues in U.S. laboratories.
Scott Fischbach, the director of Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life uncovered the information showing a clinical trial approved by the Food and Drug Administration uses brain tissue from aborted unborn babies to treat macular degeneration. StemCells Inc. will inject fetal brain stem cells into the eyes of up to 16 patients to study the cells’ effect on vision.
In its press release announcing the clinical trial, StemCells Inc. was careful to refer to the fetal brain material as “purified human neural stem cell product” or HuCNS-SC cells, rather than “fresh human fetal brain tissue,” a description which can be found elsewhere on its website.
“StemCells Inc. is not using embryonic stem cells. A five-day-old human being at the embryonic stage does not have a brain, but a fetus at 10 or 20 weeks of development with visible fingers, toes and ears has a functioning brain,” said Fischbach. “Developing human beings in the womb are treated simply as raw material for laboratory experimentation by StemCells Inc. and other companies seeking to monetize aborted unborn children.”
In the press announcement, StemCells Inc. calls the use of the brains from babies killed in abortions “truly unique.”
“With the approval of this trial, we have accomplished something truly unique in the stem cell field, which is the extension of clinical testing of our proprietary human neural stem cell platform to all three elements of the central nervous system: the brain, spinal cord and eye,” said Martin McGlynn, President and CEO of StemCells, Inc. “The preclinical data supporting our IND is particularly compelling and we look forward to getting this trial underway.”
Fischbach said the dehumanization of nascent human life, applied to human embryos in order to justify the exploitation of embryonic stem cells, is now being applied to the harvesting of brain tissue from more developed unborn babies with functioning brains.
But he said the problem is not unique to StemCells Inc — pointing out that the misleadingly-named Birth Defects Research Laboratory at the University of Washington in Seattle is known within the research community as a top government distributor of fetal tissue.
The lab has been sponsored by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for over four decades, according to a report in WORLD Magazine. The Puget Sound Business Journal stated that the lab “in 2009 filled more than 4,400 requests for fetal tissue and cell lines.” WORLD reports that the Seattle facility has retrieved the products of 22,000 pregnancies to date; the lab collects aborted fetuses from abortion centers across the country.
Experimental fetal stem cell treatments have yielded horrific results, he said.
Dr. David Prentice, an internationally recognized expert on stem cells and cloning, cites trials in which fetal stem cells have been used unsuccessfully to treat Parkinson’s disease. The New York Times called the outcome of a 2001 study “devastating” after “the patients writhed and jerked uncontrollably.” Another large clinical trial published in 2003 showed similar results.
“The use of morally illicit material in the biomedical industry violates the ‘do no harm’ principle that has governed the practice of medicine for millennia,” Fischbach said. “Adult stem cells offer the ethical and efficacious alternative. Unborn babies deserve dignity, not dissection and destruction.”
Locally, he said it is not known whether the University of Minnesota is experimenting with material from aborted fetuses, but it does use stem cells extracted from human embryos, which are killed in the process. Minnesota’s Human Conceptus Statute 145.422 prohibits the use of a living human conceptus for any type of research or experimentation.
“MCCL calls upon the U of M to pledge not to purchase or use fetal material in its research,” Fischbach added. “Such gruesome work violates human dignity and has no place in our state-funded institutions.”
The Obama administration is getting grief from a pro-life group for approving an experiment using the remains of the bodies of unborn children victimized in abortion for research continues in U.S. laboratories.
Scott Fischbach, the director of Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life uncovered the information showing a clinical trial approved by the Food and Drug Administration uses brain tissue from aborted unborn babies to treat macular degeneration. StemCells Inc. will inject fetal brain stem cells into the eyes of up to 16 patients to study the cells’ effect on vision.
In its press release announcing the clinical trial, StemCells Inc. was careful to refer to the fetal brain material as “purified human neural stem cell product” or HuCNS-SC cells, rather than “fresh human fetal brain tissue,” a description which can be found elsewhere on its website.
“StemCells Inc. is not using embryonic stem cells. A five-day-old human being at the embryonic stage does not have a brain, but a fetus at 10 or 20 weeks of development with visible fingers, toes and ears has a functioning brain,” said Fischbach. “Developing human beings in the womb are treated simply as raw material for laboratory experimentation by StemCells Inc. and other companies seeking to monetize aborted unborn children.”
In the press announcement, StemCells Inc. calls the use of the brains from babies killed in abortions “truly unique.”
“With the approval of this trial, we have accomplished something truly unique in the stem cell field, which is the extension of clinical testing of our proprietary human neural stem cell platform to all three elements of the central nervous system: the brain, spinal cord and eye,” said Martin McGlynn, President and CEO of StemCells, Inc. “The preclinical data supporting our IND is particularly compelling and we look forward to getting this trial underway.”
Fischbach said the dehumanization of nascent human life, applied to human embryos in order to justify the exploitation of embryonic stem cells, is now being applied to the harvesting of brain tissue from more developed unborn babies with functioning brains.
But he said the problem is not unique to StemCells Inc — pointing out that the misleadingly-named Birth Defects Research Laboratory at the University of Washington in Seattle is known within the research community as a top government distributor of fetal tissue.
The lab has been sponsored by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for over four decades, according to a report in WORLD Magazine. The Puget Sound Business Journal stated that the lab “in 2009 filled more than 4,400 requests for fetal tissue and cell lines.” WORLD reports that the Seattle facility has retrieved the products of 22,000 pregnancies to date; the lab collects aborted fetuses from abortion centers across the country.
Experimental fetal stem cell treatments have yielded horrific results, he said.
Dr. David Prentice, an internationally recognized expert on stem cells and cloning, cites trials in which fetal stem cells have been used unsuccessfully to treat Parkinson’s disease. The New York Times called the outcome of a 2001 study “devastating” after “the patients writhed and jerked uncontrollably.” Another large clinical trial published in 2003 showed similar results.
“The use of morally illicit material in the biomedical industry violates the ‘do no harm’ principle that has governed the practice of medicine for millennia,” Fischbach said. “Adult stem cells offer the ethical and efficacious alternative. Unborn babies deserve dignity, not dissection and destruction.”
Locally, he said it is not known whether the University of Minnesota is experimenting with material from aborted fetuses, but it does use stem cells extracted from human embryos, which are killed in the process. Minnesota’s Human Conceptus Statute 145.422 prohibits the use of a living human conceptus for any type of research or experimentation.
“MCCL calls upon the U of M to pledge not to purchase or use fetal material in its research,” Fischbach added. “Such gruesome work violates human dignity and has no place in our state-funded institutions.”
Eva Longoria “expert” on Latino and women voters, helps with "Obama's War on Women" !!!
The Blaze
Obama campaign national co-chair and Desperate Housewives star Eva Longoria appeared on MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports today, supposedly as an “expert” on Latino and women voters. Longoria is both Hispanic and female. Her pitch included fairly standard Obama campaign talking points surrounding the Affordable Care Act, but when host Andrea Mitchell brought the conversation around to the recent Puerto Rican Primary, which was won by Mitt Romney, Longoria delivered a broadside against Romney.
“Of all the candidates, Mitt Romney is probably the one on the wrong side of every issue pertaining to Latinos. Education, the economy, healthcare access, he’s campaigning with — er, he’s calling the anti-immigration law from Arizona a model law for the rest of the country,” Longoria said. “He’s campaigning with the author of it. That is polarizing to Latinos. He wants to veto the DREAM Act if he was in office. That is dangerous for our community. And Obama, for me, is the only one that understands that the success and the future of America is intricately tied to the success of the Hispanic community.”
Here‘s the video of Longoria’s remarks, courtesy of MSNBC:
The Real Obama: Absolute power !!!
President Obama's signature on an executive order that updates presidential authority to take control over national defense resources in time of emergency has legal minds arguing over whether the White House is trying to expand power or merely organize rules 18 years in the making.
The executive order, signed late Friday, revokes an earlier order put in place by President Bill Clinton in 1994 and says any other previously issued orders or rulings by previous presidents shall remain in effect unless they are inconsistent with the new order.
The purpose of the order, according to its contents, is to make sure the U.S. is prepared to mobilize technological and industrial resources "capable of meeting national defense requirements" and ensure "technological superiority of its national defense equipment in peacetime and in times of national emergency."
It orders Cabinet agencies to determine military and civilian staffing and evaluate access to resources like suppliers, materials, skilled labor and professional and technical personnel. It also is intended to ensure the U.S. government is prepared "in the event of a potential threat to the security of the United States."
The executive order gives the homeland security secretary authority to issue guidance to other department heads to establish and activate a National Defense Executive Reserve (NDER) composed of experts in the private and public sector -- though not full-time federal employees -- to fill executive positions in the federal government in the event of a national defense emergency.
That includes employing consultants or other experts without compensation. The labor secretary can also begin training workers to help address national defense requirements.
The order scopes out the different roles of the National Security Council, Homeland Security Council and National Economic Council in advising the president -- giving the secretary of homeland security authority to provide for the central coordination of the plans and programs delegated under the order.
It also gives authority to the secretary of Commerce to determine how to get the industrial base to support the national defense and meet defense program needs. The Agriculture Department will take care of food resources while the Defense Department will handle water resources in addition to its military role. The heads of the Energy, Health and Human Services and Transportation departments also are responsible for their jurisdictions.
The order notes that unless determined otherwise by the president or his national security adviser, the authority "may be used only to support programs that have been determined in writing as necessary or appropriate to promote the national defense."
This order came on the heals of another presidential order a few days prior that reiterated the United States' "national emergency" stance toward Iran -- a rather routine measure that has been repeated every year since 1995 but that might have caused some confusion.
Several legal eagle bloggers say there's nothing to fear.
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Monday, March 19, 2012
TSA Pats Down 3-Year-Old In Leg Cast And Wheelchair ~ VIDEO
A toddler in a wheelchair is stopped by the TSA at the Airport in Chicago and forced to into a sequestered area. On his way to a family vacation in Disney, this 3 year old boy is in a body cast for a broken leg. Despite assurances from his father that "everything is ok", he is physically trembling with fear while he watches his two siblings, mother, father, grandfather and grandmother pass through along with everyone else...only to be singled out.
He simply does not understand what is happening and why.
HUD Distributes $42 Million in Housing Counseling Funds to Liberal Activists
( – The Housing and Urban Development Department (HUD) announced the release of $42 million in federal funding for mortgage counseling, including to groups such as La Raza, the Urban League, and the National Community Reinvestment Coalition.
“The HUD-approved counseling agencies this funding supports are crucial in helping struggling families on a one-to-one basis to manage their money, navigate the homebuying process, and secure their financial futures,” HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan said on a conference call Friday.
However, some of those “HUD-approved” groups include well-known liberal activist organizations.
One such group, the National Council of La Raza – a Spanish word that translates to “the Race” – received approximately $1.7 million from HUD. La Raza has long supported so-called comprehensive immigration reform that would effectively grant amnesty to the estimated 12 million illegal immigrants in America.
Another liberal group, the National Urban League, received approximately $1.05 million in HUD funds. The Urban League is one of America’s oldest civil rights organizations with a long history of social justice initiatives. Recently, it has denounced voter ID laws as “voter suppression by another name.”
A third liberal group is the National Community Reinvestment Corporation, which received approximately $2.5 million from HUD. NCRC is an activist group that seeks to combat perceived discrimination in housing and mortgage lending, and advocate for stronger enforcement of the federal Community Reinvestment Act – including expanding the CRA to securities firms, insurance companies, and mortgage companies – despite the fact that many claim the CRA played a major role in the 2008 mortgage crisis.
The remainder of the $42 million in federal funds was awarded to dozens of local affordable housing organizations, religious and private charities that cater to poor people who often lack the financial literacy needed to decide whether they can afford a mortgage or what type of loan is best for them.
Santorum Gets Testy Over Joe Paterno, Porn Question
Rick Santorum had a testy exchange Sunday when asked by a Chicago radio host whether his statements about the president and child pornography could be compared to Penn State's response to sexual abuse allegations against former assistant coach Jerry Sandusky.
Santorum's campaign website states that President Barack Obama "seems to favor pornographers over children and families" by failing to prioritize prosecution of child pornographers.
Free Condoms for 6th Graders in Massachusetts
SPRINGFIELD, Mass. – The Springfield School Committee has given first-step approval to a policy that would make condoms available to students as young as 12.
The committee voted 5-1 Thursday night in favor of the "Comprehensive Reproductive Health Policy" in an effort to prevent sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy. The policy also includes a provision for student counseling.
The policy also allows parents "to deny permission (opt out) for access to condoms for their students."
'I’m Here Tryin’ to Get Some Obama Bucks!' Shocking Welfare Video that HBO Tried to Kill
Alexandra Pelosi debuted a video she made for HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher" last night. The video shows multiple welfare recipients in New York City proclaiming they were at the welfare office to get their "Obama bucks" and that they supported Obama because he "gives me stuff." Pelosi reported that people at the HBO headquarters in New York had said to her "you can't show this" even though just last week the ran a controversial video showing Mississippi voters saying inflammatory things against the president.
To her credit, and to Bill Maher's, they showed the video and openly discussed how liberals would hate it. Pelosi said "I didn't have to go far to find 'freeloading welfare queens.'" They were, in fact, right across the street from her New York City home.
US government spent at least $945M on advertising
Federal agencies spent at least $945 million on contracts for advertising services in fiscal year 2010, and that sum doesn't include all public communications expenditures in the agencies reviewed or even all of the executive branch, a congressional report out last week shows.
Congressional Research Service reported that the calculation was incomplete since the total sum may never be fully known.
"It is unclear how much the executive branch, let alone the federal government as a whole, spends on communications each year," the CRS report found.
Of that total that was calculable, more than $545 million was spent by the Defense Department, much of it on ads to attract recruits, CRS noted.
The study was done as the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee's Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, the Federal Workforce and the District of Columbia reviews 11 federal agencies. The report was published on the Federation of American Scientists' website.
A call to the office of Sen. Daniel Akaka, D-Hawaii, chairman of the subcommittee, was not immediately returned.
The report found that the agencies are also engaging in using new and social media to communicate -- the government hosts 1,504 federal government domains that carry thousands of websites on them.
In addition, a Government Accountability Office report of June 2011 found that 23 of 24 federal agencies surveyed had a presence on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, and all 15 of the president's Cabinet agencies have at least one Twitter account.
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At least 4 killed in shooting at French Jewish school
TOULOUSE, France – A gunman opened fire outside of a Jewish school in the southwestern French city of Toulouse Monday, killing a rabbi, his two sons and one other child, according to the prosecutor's office.
Prosecutor Michel Valet said a 30-year-old rabbi and his 3-year-old and 6-year-old sons were killed in the attack just before classes started at the Ozar Hatorah school.
Another child, the 8-year-old daughter of the school principal, was also killed, school officials said. Valet said a 17-year-old boy was also seriously wounded and in the operating ward of a city hospital.
Sources say the school custodian may have been injured as well.
"The drama occurred a bit before 8 a.m. A man arrived in front of the school on a motorcycle or scooter," Valet said, adding that the man got off his scooter outside the school and opened fire.
"He shot at everything he had in front of him, children and adults," he said. "The children were chased inside the school."
Officials say the shooter fled the scene on a scooter.
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Sunday, March 18, 2012
VIDEO ~ Sarah Palin Remembers Whitney Houston
Sarah Palin tells us about her memories of Whitney Houston just hours after news of her death broke.
BREAKING: Romney wins Puerto Rico primary, CNN projects
(CNN) – Mitt Romney will win the Republican presidential primary in Puerto Rico on Sunday, CNN projects, based on vote results obtained from local party and election officials.
VIDEO ~ Gingrich Promises to Help Louisiana Economy
Republican presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich is pledging to promote Louisiana's energy, tourism and seafood industries.
Video: Police Sweep at NY Occupy Protest
Dozens of police officers cleared the park where the Occupy movement was born six months ago and made several arrests after hundreds of protesters returned in an anniversary observance and defiantly resisted calls to clear out.
Prometheus - Official Full HD Trailer
In the distant future, two superpowers control Earth and fight each other for all the solar system's natural resources. When one side dispatches a team to a distant planet to terraform it for human colonization, the team discovers an indigenous race of bio-mechanoid killers.
Ridley Scott, director of 'Alien' and 'Blade Runner,' returns to the genre he helped define. With PROMETHEUS, he creates a groundbreaking mythology, in which a team of explorers discover a clue to the origins of mankind on Earth, leading them on a thrilling journey to the darkest corners of the universe. There, they must fight a terrifying battle to save the future of the human race.
Genre: Science Fiction
Director: Ridley Scott
Cast: Charlize Theron, Michael Fassbender, Noomi Rapace
Release Date: June 8, 2012
Free Sterilizations Must be Offered to All College Women

CNS News:
( – All student health care plans covering female college students in the United States must include coverage for free voluntary sterilization surgery, the Department of Health and Human Services announced late Friday afternoon.
Women of college age who do not attend school will also get free sterilization coverage whether they are insured through an employer, their parents, or some form of government-subsidized plan.
All student health plans, HHS said Friday as it finalized a new regulation under the Affordable Care Act (otherwise known as Obamacare) must cover the full set of cost-free women’s “preventive services” that HHS ordered last month must be covered by all U.S. health care plans.
These free “preventive services” include surgical sterilization procedures and all Food and Drug Administration-approved contraceptives, including those that cause abortions.
“These preventive health services include, with respect to women, preventive care and screening provided for in the comprehensive guidelines supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) that were issued on August 1, 2011,” HHS said in a request for comments about how the new regulation will be implemented.
“As relevant here, the HRSA Guidelines require coverage, without cost sharing, for ‘[a]ll Food and Drug Administration [(FDA)] approved contraceptive methods, sterilization procedures, and patient education and counseling for all women with reproductive capacity,’ as prescribed by a provider,” said the HHS description of the regulation, which will be published in the March 21 edition of the Federal Register.
In announcing the rule for college-based health plans, HHS said it would follow the same system for enforcing the rule on religious colleges and universities that object to purchasing sterilizations, contraceptives and abortifacients for its students that President Barack Obama has proposed for enforcing the regulation on religious non-profit organizations in the coverage for their employees: The insurer will be forced to provide the sterilizations, contraceptives and abortifacients to the students free of charge.
“Under the final rule, students will gain the same consumer protections other people with individual market insurance have, like a prohibition on lifetime limits and coverage of preventive services without cost sharing,” HHS said in a press release. “In the same way that religious colleges and universities will not have to pay, arrange or refer for contraceptive coverage for their employees, they will not have to do so for their students who will get such coverage directly and separately from their insurer.”
The U.S. Catholic Bishops have said that this mechanism does not satisfy their concerns about the regulation’s violation of the freedom of conscience and religion of those who have moral and religious objections to sterilization, artificial contraception and abortion. Institutions that object on moral and religious grounds would still have to provide insurance plans that covered these things, even if these particular services were theoretically paid for by the insurer rather than the institution securing the insurers services to cover its students and employees.
Also, just as the regulation requiring free coverage for sterilizations, contraceptives and abortifacients makes no accommodation at all for private-sector employers who object on religious or moral grounds, the rule requiring this coverage for students makes no accommodation for non-religious private schools that object on religious and moral grounds or for state colleges in states where local voters, taxpayers, legislators and governors may object to providing free sterilizations, contraceptives and abortifacients to college students.
The regulation in question was recommended by the Institute of Medicine, a government funded element of the National Academy of Sciences that HHS hired last year to come up with recommendations for “preventive services” to be mandated under Obamacare.
“The committee recommends for consideration as a preventive service for women: the full range of Food and Drug Administration-approved contraceptive methods, sterilization procedures, and patient education and counseling for women with reproductive capacity,” the IOM said in its report on the matter issued last July.
HHS adopted verbatim the recommendation of the IOM committee it hired to develop the recommendation.
The committee said women of “reproductive capacity” included those as young as 15 years of age.
“A wide array of safe and highly effective FDA-approved methods of contraception is available, including barrier methods, hormonal methods, emergency contraception, and implanted devices; sterilization is also available for women and for men,” the IOM said in explaining its mandate recommendation.
“This range of methods provides options for women depending upon their life stage, sexual practices, and health status,” said the IOM report. “Some methods, such as condoms, spermicides, and emergency contraceptives, are available without a prescription, whereas the more effective hormonal and long-acting reversible methods, such as oral contraceptives and intrauterine devices, are available by prescription or require insertion by a medical professional.
“Sterilization,” the IOM report said, “is a surgical procedure.”
In explaining the prevalence of contraception and sterilization in the United States, the IOM’s report on its recommendations cited a government study entitled, “The Use of Contraception in the United States: 1982 to 2008,” that was published by HHS’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 2010.
The study said that 16.7 percent of American women between the ages of 15 and 44 have been sterilized. This includes 4.5 percent of American women ages 15 to 44 who have never been married.
Although surgical sterilization is less common among college-age women than older women, it does occur—even in the pre-Obamacare era when the federal government did not guarantee college-age women they could be sterilized for free.
According to this CDC report, among women ages 20-24, who are using contraception, 2.4 percent have been sterilized. Among those aged 25-29, who are using contraception, 15.0 percent have been sterilized.
The IOM report that HHS relied on in developing its mandate noted that the “most cost-effective” methods of contraception “were longer-acting contraceptives that do not rely on user compliance.” However, one problem the committee noted with these methods is that they have “high up-front costs.”
By requiring employers, colleges and insurers to fully subsidize the cost of these “preventive services,” the new HHS mandate effectively gets rid of the “high up-front costs” for devices and drugs implanted in women to render them infertile over long periods of time as wells as for sterilization surgery that can make them permanently infertile.
“In a study of the cost-effectiveness of specific contraceptive methods, all contraceptive methods were found to be more cost-effective than no method, and the most cost-effective methods were long-acting contraceptives that do not rely on user compliance,” said the IOM report on its mandate recommendations.
“The most common contraceptive methods used in the United States are the oral contraceptive pill and female sterilization,” said the report. “It is thought that greater use of long-acting, reversible contraceptive methods—including intrauterine devices and contraceptive implants that require less action by the woman and therefore have lower use failure rates—might help further reduce unintended pregnancy rates. Cost barriers to use of the most effective contraceptive methods are important because long-acting, reversible contraceptive methods and sterilization have high up-front costs.”
Appearing before the House Energy and Commerce Committee earlier this month, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius argued that forcing the insurers covering employees of religious institutions that object to the mandate to provide sterilizations and contraceptives for free would save money because the number of human beings born would decrease.
“The reduction in the number of pregnancies compensates for the cost of contraception,” she said.
In a press release put out late Friday, Sebelius said: “The president’s policy respects religious liberty and makes free preventive services available to women. Today’s announcement is the next step toward fulfilling that commitment.”
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