Although the news of Andrew Breitbart’s death is still fairly fresh, the merry band of faceless marauders at the Daily Kos have decided it is time to use his death as an opportunity to make political hay.
A post dated March 1 by “dragon82a,” titled “Let’s Help Andrew Breitbart go out In Style..Get Westboro Baptist Church to Protest Him” encourages readers to post on the Westboro Baptist Church’s Facebook page calling for the group to protest Andrew Breitbart’s funeral:
Here is the Facebook of the WestBoro Baptist Church:
Send them a message anything will do, about how much publicity they would get by Protecting Andrew.…
Lets give back to Andrew what he has so generously given to us all these years.
We could call this “Operation Sendaway”

The post ends with the “Thank you very much” scene from the 1970 musical “Scrooge.”
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