In February of this year, Magnolia Pictures' owner Mark Cuban (pictured above shaking the President's hand) attended a $30,000-a-plate fundraiser for President Obama where Cuban and our "first gay President" are reported to have "embraced warmly."
Less than three months later, and after the whole War on Women fiasco blew up in the White House's face, Magnet Releasing, a genre label owned by Cuban's Magnolia Pictures, published a request that readers "get out your guns" against Governor Sarah Palin's daughter, Bristol:

The phrase "get out your guns" refers to Magnet Releasing's "God Bless America," a new film by Bobcat Goldthwait that Critic Speak describes this way:
Granted, this ['get out your guns' comment] was consistent with the tone of the film it was designed to promote, Bobcat Goldthwait’s God Bless America. We here at Critic Speak found the movie’s militant brand satire, which effectively endorses the full-scale execution of brainless pop-culture phenoms and social conservatives, to be repugnant[.] Read More