My Ping in My Zimbio

Thursday, May 10, 2012

“Are You Mom Enough?” Did Time go too far with breast-feeding cover image ???

Time magazine made a bold move with its cover story this week that has industry experts calling it everything from a cheap shot to desperate.

This week’s cover features an attractive 26-year-old mother, clad in trendy skinny jeans with sleekly muscled bare arms, breast-feeding her toddler son under the headline, “Are You Mom Enough?”

The story is about Dr. Bill Sears, a parenting educator who advocates extreme child-rearing techniques.

Industry insiders told Fox411 that they think this is Time’s attempt to take a page from Newsweek/Daily Beast Editor-in-Chief Tina Brown’s handbook of shocking your way into the news cycle.

“There is no question the morning shows and The View are going to be all over this, and Time can claim to be talked about (if not read),” said Glynnis MacNicol, a journalist who covers media.

Whether this move sells magazines is trickier than just getting folks to talk about it.

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