HONOLULU -- The Obamas are spending their Christmas vacation in a posh beachfront home overlooking Kailua Bay, though it's not the same one where they've spent their last three holiday visits since the 2008 election.
With the owner of the Kailuana Place home they'd rented in the past choosing to host his own family there this year, the Obamas are renting another home on the same street on the windward side of Oahu.
Local realtor David Dunham is managing the rental, which is a 6,000 square-foot home with interiors designed by Jay Gorsia in deep koa wood with Asian accents.
Dunham wouldn't say how much the first family is paying to rent the house. "Whatever it costs him, it's worth it," he said. "The guy deserves it, he deserves a couple days with his kids."
Dunham did, though, say the house being put up for sale once the Obamas return to Washington. The asking price for this new Winter White House is $7.9 million.
More photos after the jump, all courtesy of Dunham.