The First Lady revealed to Barbara Walters in an upcoming 20/20 special that if she were to die and come back as anything – person or thing – she’d want to come back as the First Dog, Bo.
‘He’s got a great life,’ Mrs Obama said of the three-year-old black and white dog. ‘He’s got it good.’

A dog's life: Michelle Obama told Barbara Walters she would come back as family dog Bo in her next life

Dog days: She said the First Dog has it good She specified that she wouldn’t want to be just any dog – only Bo.
The Portuguese water dog does indeed have it good. Yesterday, the First Dog got $41 worth of gifts from PetSmart.
Was Bo flown back from Hawaii to Washington for Obama photo op? Mystery over dog 'spotted on holiday with First Family'
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There are also rumours circulating that Bo was flown to Hawaii for the Obama’s family vacation and then flown back to Washington for a trip to PetSmart with Mr Obama.
Various reports contradict whether or not he was flown back to Washington or even in Hawaii at all.
Regardless, the First Dog has been flown to Hawaii before on family vacations - a luxury not afforded by many pet owners.

Living the life: Bo Obama gets to accompany the First Family on holiday
The full interview will air Friday at 10pm ET on ABC.
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