A baby at risk of becoming the victim of an ‘honor’ killing because she was born as the result of her unmarried Muslim mother’s secret affair must be adopted to keep her safe. Problem is, under Islam, legal adoption is forbidden for Muslims.
Qur’an 33.4 - “God did not make your adopted son as your own sons. To declare them so is your empty claim. God’s word is righteous and constitutes true guidance.”
TIMES Live (H/T Maria) Three senior judges rejected a bid by the one-year-old girl’s natural father to have her live with him and his wife. The child’s natural mother is in favour of adoption so that her own family will not find out about the birth.
The judges imposed unusually wide reporting restrictions banning the publication of all names and locations linked to the case because of the continuing dangers faced by mother and child.
The appeal court rejected an appeal by the father ‘F’ against a decision last July refusing him a residence order allowing the baby to live with him. The judge ordered that ‘baby Q’ should be adopted by a couple, also Muslim, from the same country as the mother, but from a different community. (Not possible, see video below)
She found there would be “a very significant risk of two and two being put together” if the child went to the father because Q was quite obviously not the child of his wife, who had a child of her own.
If the child’s maternal grandfather found out about the affair “it would be a matter of intense almost unimaginable shame to him and his family”, said the judge. The appeal court said on Wednesday: “It
was plainly the judge’s view that this might provoke a murder of the child and or mother to preserve the family’s honour.” The mother had consented to the adoption by the couple, who had been looking after her since December 2010.

The appeal judges said Q was conceived in a relationship “which was unacceptable to M’s traditional Muslim family and conducted in secrecy”. When M realised she might be pre
gnant she ran away from home. She was “terrified” over how her family would react. As soon as Q was born, she gave her daughter up for adoption because she “genuinely feared for Q’s safety should (her father) become aware of, or forced to acknowledge, her existence”.

Q’s grandmother had told the police that, if her husband found out about the child, “he would consider himself honour-bound to kill the child, the mother, the grandmother herself and the grandmother’s other children”.
Upholding Mrs Justice Parker’s decision to make an adoption order, the appeal judges said: “The mother’s evidence, supported as it was by her actions, and the evidence of [the father] and an experienced police officer, drove the judge to conclude that refusal of the order would carry with it a significant risk of physical harm.
Adoption of an orphan/helpless child was a very popular and moral practice amongst pre-Islamic Arabs. But the Prophet Muhammad forbade the Arab practice of adopting children as one’s own. Islam removes all the adopted son’s actual rights (his name, inheritance, property, right to be considered as a part of the family). One can care for an orphan in fostering capcity, but it is considered as an act of kindness and not real family and there can never be any legal relationship.
Some Islamic states have taken this narrowly, and are not even permitted to foster a child in the home. Other states, such as Egypt permit fostering in the home, but the parents are forced to evict the child at the first sign of puberty. So the 13 year old teens and tweens get put on the street or sent to an orphanage mill, or just plain kicked out and told to go away. Sick.