My Ping in My Zimbio

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Ron Paul Storms Out Of CNN Interview...........He knew about the newsletters before he forgot about them !!!

Ron Paul walked out of an interview with CNN’s Gloria Borger, following a heated exchange over the controversy regarding racist newsletters sent in his name during the 1990s. Borger asked the Congressman if he had ever read the newsletters. “Did you ever object when you read them?”

“Why don’t you go back and look at what i said yesterday on CNN and what I’ve said for 20 something years. 22 years ago? I didn’t write them, I disavow them, That’s it.”

“But you made money off them,”

“I was still practicing medicine,” Paul responded. “That’s probably why I wasn’t a very good publisher, I had to make a living.”

Ron Paul knew about his newsletters before he forgot about them !!!