My Ping in My Zimbio

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Gingrich Super PAC Launches $6M Ad Campaign

The pro-Gingrich super PAC Winning Our Future has launched a powerful new ad taking on former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney – part of a $6 million ad buy by Gingrich in Florida.

Newsmax was given an exclusive look at the first ad, which will be unveiled on Wednesday as part of the Gingrich surge in Florida:


Romney and his supporters had Florida to themselves until this week. Restore Our Future, a pro-Romney super PAC, bought $4.5 million of time in the Sunshine State this week. He’s spent over $9 million in Florida so far.

But Winning Our Future just got a $5 million cash infusion from the wife of Las Vegas casino mogul Sheldon Adelson. Adelson himself gave the group $5 million on Jan. 6th. 

“We will run something new, something old, something big and something bold,” Winning Our Future spokesman Rick Tyler told the Washington Post’s The Fix on Monday. 

Read more on Gingrich Super PAC Launches $6M Ad Campaign