My Ping in My Zimbio

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Rush: Newt Under ‘Coordinated Attack’

A series of media hit pieces on Newt Gingrich that appear online today represent a “coordinated attack” on the Republican presidential candidate in the days leading up to Florida’s primary election, Rush Limbaugh said on his radio show.

Limbaugh cited the blog of Greg Sargent of The Plum Line, who wrote a story titled “Romney paints Gingrich as mentally unstable,” as well as a headline on the Drudge Report proclaiming, “Gingrich reportedly insulted Reagan.” He also denounced an article by Elliott Abrams of the National Review.

“This piece, Elliott Abrams, it just slices and dices with the most harmless tone,” Limbaugh said. “Obviously, it’s a coordinated document dump here, opposition-research dump. It’s obviously coordinated.”

The conservative talk-show host said he first heard about a new, young member of the House during Ronald Reagan’s first term. He remembered Gingrich tirelessly defending the president.

Limbaugh said he is “shocked,” years later, to learn from the media hit teams that Gingrich turned on Reagan.

“Now, all of this stuff that hit Drudge and everywhere else last night . . . I never heard any of that,” he said. “Newt did say this stuff — I just don’t remember it.

“This is obviously a coordinated attack that’s designed to take Newt out here in Florida,” said Limbaugh, who broadcasts from a studio in his home in Palm Beach. “I didn’t know any of this stuff . . . and I was shocked when I read all of it.”

Read more on Rush: Newt Under ‘Coordinated Attack’