My Ping in My Zimbio

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Krauthammer: Campaign Will Be So Dirty 'Check the Plumbing, You'll Have to Shower Several Times a Day'

O'REILLY: "Back of the Book" segment tonight, there is no question the presidential campaign will be largely negative, and Mitt Romney will be attacked pretty much 24/7.


KAREN FINNEY, FORMER DNC COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR: The picture that he was painting of an America, you know, restoring an America. I kept thinking it sounds like you want to go back to a time when women couldn't vote, blacks couldn't vote. We didn't have -- I mean, it just didn't sound like this was the America that we all know.


O'REILLY: Yes, of course. Governor Romney doesn't want blacks and women to vote. Of course, that's part of his platform.

Joining us now from Washington, FOX News political analyst Charles Krauthammer.

So, has it reached critical mass in April? I mean, are we there already where this is so insane that people are just going to laugh about it?

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, who knows if they'll laugh about it? Negative campaigns can work. And we're getting a taste of it right now.

I think Romney's strategy should be to embrace that negativity. Just go for it and point out -- go back to it and point out how it's a sign of scurrilousness and hypocrisy. Look at the mean that Democrats have put out from top to bottom.

Republicans, Romney, the war on women, the concocted idea. War on immigrants. We heard from that. War on blacks. And it's also class warfare. The war on the middle class, you know, comforting the rich and making sure they don't pay their fair share.

The hypocrisy here, of course, is that Barack Obama shot to the international consciousness by giving a speech in which he said he would unite red America and blue America. We're not black America, white America, we're the United States of America.

He's running -- the Democrats are running the most divisive campaign on race, on ethnicity, on class and on gender. I mean, it's going to be the dirtiest campaign you've ever seen.

O'REILLY: I think so. More